
What is the purpose of the spanning-tree algorithm in a swit

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    路由器(router)、数据包(packet)、目的地(destination)、物理层(physical layer)、一对一(one to one)、数据链路层(data link layer)

  • [单选题]What is the purpose of the spanning-tree algorithm in a switched LAN?

  • A. To provide a monitoring mechanism for networks in switched environments.
    B. To manage VLANs across multiple switches.
    C. To prevent switching loops in networks with redundant switched paths.
    D. To segment a network into multiple collision domains.
    E. To prevent routing loops in networks.

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  • [单选题]关于静态NAT,下面()说法是正确的。
  • A. 静态NAT转换在缺省情况下24小时后超时
    B. 静态NAT转换从地址池中分配
    C. 静态NAT将内部地址一对一(one to one)静态映射到内部全局地址
    D. CISCO路由器缺省使用了静态NAT

  • [单选题]标准访问控制列表应被放置的最佳位置是在()。
  • A. 越靠近数据包的源越好
    B. 越靠近数据包的目的地越好
    C. 无论放在什么位置都行
    D. 入接口方向的任何位置

  • [单选题]介质工作在OSI的哪一层()
  • A. 物理层
    B. 数据链路层(data link layer)
    C. 网络层
    D. 传输层

  • [单选题]命令“ping127.0.0.1”的功能是()
  • A. 测试网卡是否正常
    B. 测试网关是否正常
    C. 测试TCP/IP协议是否正常
    D. 测试介质是否正常

  • [单选题]Why might the Ezonexam network administrator set the configuration register to 0x2142 on a 2600 series Cisco router?
  • A. To boot the IOS from ROM
    B. To reset the console password
    C. To upload a new version of the configuration file
    D. To upload a new version of the IOS
    E. To allow a new memory upgrade to be recognized by the router

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/gkgxd5.html
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