商品经济(commodity economy)、存储空间(storage space)、社会分工(social division of labor)、革命党人(the revolutionist)、物质条件(material conditions)、平均地权(equalization of land ownership)、社会化生产力(productive forces of socialization)、全国性的(natl)、机关刊物(official organ)、中国同盟会(the china alliance committee)
[单选题]垄断产生的物质条件和基础是( )
A. 社会分工的出现
B. 自然分工的发展
C. 商品经济的出现
D. 社会化生产力(productive forces of socialization)的发展
[单选题]同盟会的机关报是( )
A. 时务报
B. 新民丛报
C. 民报
D. 万国公报
[单选题]The passage suggests that______.
A. most people don't realize how important passports are
B. passports aren't important once you are in the country you've chosen to visit
C. passports are simple to obtain through the mail
D. passports are obtained at the embassy once you enter a country
[单选题]用16 x 16点阵字形码的8000个字符的宋体字库约占用存储空间
A. 250KB
B. 2048KB
C. 4MB
D. 8GB
A. 表象
B. 文章
C. 信息
D. 消息