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    平均年龄(average age)、首要任务(primary task)、出现问题、数据压缩算法(data compression algorithm)、数据资料(data information)、不断完善(constant perfection)、速度快(fast)、参考答案、配置版本号(configuration version number)、有说服力(forcibility)

  • [单选题]飞驰汽车制造公司春季同时推出飞鸟和锐进两款小型轿车。两款轿车以其新颖的造型受到购车族的欢迎。两款轿车销售时都带有轿车安全性能和出现一般问题时的处理说明书以及使用轿车一年后情况反馈表。飞鸟轿车购车族的56%同时购买了轿车保险,锐进轿车购车族的82%同时购买了轿车保险,一年后,锐进轿车出现问题的反馈表是飞鸟轿车出现问题的反馈表的4倍,由此可见,锐进轿车的质量比飞鸟轿车的质量差,锐进轿车的购车者同时购买轿车保险的数量比飞鸟轿车多是有一定的道理的。下面哪项如果为真,最有助于加强上述论述?

  • A. 飞鸟轿车购车族的平均年龄比锐进轿车购车族的平均年龄低。
    B. 飞鸟轿车情况反馈表比锐进轿车情况反馈表更完善,需要花费更多的时间完成表格的填写。
    C. 飞驰汽车制造公司收到的飞鸟轿车投诉信数量是锐进轿车2倍。
    D. 购买飞鸟轿车的客户数量是购买锐进轿车的2倍。

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  • [单选题]● 某个配置项的版本由 1.0 变为 2.0,按照配置版本号(configuration version number)规则表明(6 4)。(64)
  • A. 目前配置项处于正式发布状态,配置项版本升级幅度较大
    B. 目前配置项处于正式发布状态,配置项版本升级幅度较小
    C. 目前配置项处于正在修改状态,配置项版本升级幅度较大
    D. 目前配置项处于正在修改状态,配置项版本升级幅度较小

  • [单选题]●绩效评估实施过程的首要任务是(61)。(61)
  • A. 确定绩效评估项
    B. 组织评估队伍
    C. 收集审核被评价项目数据资料,进行定量评价,并参与定性评价
    D. 归纳、分析,撰写评价报告

  • [单选题]在选择数据压缩算法时需要综合考虑(59)。
  • A. 数据质量和存储要求
    B. 数据的用途和计算要求
    C. 数据质量、数据量和计算的复杂度
    D. 数据的质量和计算要求

  • [单选题]Pharming is a scamming practice in which malicious code is installed on a personal computer or server, misdirecting users to (71)Web sites without their knowledge or consent. Pharming has been called "phishing without a lure".In phishing, the perpetrator sends out legitimate-(72)e-mails, appearing to come from some of the Web's most popular sites, in an effort to obtain personal and financial information from individual recipients. But in pharming, larger numbers of computer users can be(73)because it is not necessary to target individuals one by one and no conscious action is required on the part of the victim. In one form. of pharming attack, code sent in an e-mail modifies local host files on a personal computer. The host files convert URLs into the number strings that the computer uses to access Web sites. A computer with a compromised host file will go to the fake Web site even if a user types in the correct Internet address or clicks on an affected(74)entry. Some spyware removal programs can correct the corruption, but it frequently recurs unless the user changes browsing( 75 ).
  • A. few
    B. fraudulent
    C. normal
    D. structured

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