柴油机(diesel engine)、中心线(center line)、休息时间(rest time)、值班人员(operator on duty)、灭火机(fire extinguisher)、总重量(total weight)
A. 1.5%m/m
B. 2.5%m/m
C. 3.5%m/m
D. 4.5%m/m
[单选题]按《海船船员值班规则》要求,值班人员在值班前( )小时内禁止喝酒。
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6
[单选题]If the compensating needle valve of a hydraulic governor is opened more than necessary the governor will .
A. have a larger than normal dead band
B. produce excessive speed response to a load change
C. respond slowly to any change in engine load
D. stabilize engine speed at the new governor setting
[单选题]Which of the following statements represents an advantage of an electromagnetic clutch?
A. Large misalignments can be tolerated between the shaft and engine coupling
B. Slip is held to a minimum when reversing shaft rotation
C. Engine torsional vibrations to the driven shaft are eliminated
D. It aids in maintaining power factor
[单选题]干粉灭火机(fire extinguisher)驱动气瓶内气体的总重量(total weight)减少______以上时应立即补充
A. 1/5
B. 1/10
C. 1/20
D. 1/4
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
A. 气缸的最低位置
B. 工作空间的最低位置
C. 曲柄处于最低位置
D. 活塞离曲轴中心线的最近位置