
群落之间、群落与环境之间相互关系的可见标志是( )

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  • 【名词&注释】

    相互关系(relationship)、胃肠功能(gastrointestinal function)、新变化(new changes)、历史经验(historical experience)、面部皮肤(facial skin)、富兰克林(franklin)、生物群落(biocoenosis)、当代世界(contemporary world)、混合性(mixed)、兴衰成败

  • [单选题]群落之间、群落与环境之间相互关系的可见标志是( )

  • A. 生态位
    B. 群落水平结构
    C. 群落垂直结构
    D. 群落外貌

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  • [单选题]第 24 题 “三个代表”重要思想形成的现实依据是(  )
  • A. 当代世界(contemporary world)的新变化
    B. 社会主义兴衰成败的历史经验
    C. 国情与党情的变化
    D. 中国人民的努力

  • [单选题]Passage OneYou've probably had the experience of having someone fall in love with you when you didn't feel the same way. In such a case it's hard to know what to do. You don't want to be so obvious in your efforts that you make an enemy of him.
  • A. A friend of mine had this problem and handled it in the most tactful (得体的) way I've ever seen. Instead of telling her admirer directly, she devoted herself to introducing him to every girl she knew. Whenever she had a date with him, she arranged to drop in at the home of one of her girl friends. At last he clicked (一见如故) with one of these girls, and then everyone was happy. My friend was rid of a problem and she still had the young man as a friend, which was just what she wanted him to be.
    B. Of course this solution may not work for you. You may have your own way of dealing with the problem. But whatever you decide to do, keep one thing in mind—the boy in question has feelings every bit as sensitive as your own. So try to find a way of discouraging him without hurting him.
    C. 31. The best title for this passage would be______.
    D. How to Make a Friend
    E. Problems of Dating
    F. Good Advice for Girls
    G. How to Free Yourself from an Admirer

  • [单选题]手术后腹胀主要来自 ( )
  • A. 细菌代谢产生的气体
    B. 肠麻痹
    C. 胃肠功能受抑制
    D. 组织代谢产生的气体
    E. 血液内的气体弥散到肠腔内

  • [单选题]说“知识就是力量”这句名言的是( )
  • A. 富兰克林
    B. 培根
    C. 拉封丹
    D. 伏尔泰

  • [单选题]下列选项中不属于生物群落(biocoenosis)的组成成分的是( )
  • A. 动物
    B. 植物
    C. 微生物
    D. 土壤

  • [单选题]三叉神经( )
  • A. 属于含有副交感纤维的混合性(mixed)脑神经
    B. 到颅腔外后分为眼神经、上颌神经和下颌神经
    C. 运动纤维咀嚼肌
    D. 感觉纤维只分布于面部皮肤
    E. 以上都不对

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