理论基础(theoretical basis)、应用领域(application field)、发展水平、诺贝尔奖(nobel prize)、诺贝尔文学奖(nobel prize for literature)、存储容量(storage capacity)、安全级别(security level)、世界先进水平(world advanced level)、经济学奖(economics prize)、物镜数值孔径(numerical aperture of objective)
[单选题]involves comparing actual or planned project practices to those of other projects to generate ideas for improvement and to provide a basis by which to measure performance. These other projects can be within the performing organization or outside of it,and can be within the same or in another application area.
A. Metrics
B. Measurement
C. Benchmarking
D. Baseline
[单选题]● In order to achieve the major goals of business process improvement, process simplification and improvement, FAA managers need to fully understand the cost, time, and quality of activities performed by employees or machines throughout an entire organization. ABC methods enable () to cost out measurements to business simplification and process improvement. ()
A. computers
B. managers
C. clients
D. consumers
[单选题]某年,国内某电视台在综合报道了当年的诺贝尔各项奖金的获得者的消息后,作了以下评论:今年又有一位华裔科学家获得了诺贝尔物理学奖,这是中国人的骄傲。但是到目前为止,还没有中国人获得诺贝尔经济学奖(economics prize)和诺贝尔文学奖,看来中国在人文社会科学方面的研究与世界先进水平(world advanced level)相比还有比较大的差距。以上评论中所得出的结论最可能把以下哪项断定作为隐含的前提?
A. 中国在物理学等理科研究方面与世界先进水平(world advanced level)的差距在逐步缩小。
B. 中国的人文科学有先进的理论基础和雄厚的历史基础,目前和世界先进水平(world advanced level)的差距是不正常的。
C. 诺贝尔奖是衡量一个国家某个学科发展水平的重要标志。
D. 诺贝尔奖的评比在原则上对各人种是公平的,但实际上很难做到。
[单选题]如果一台Cisco PIX 525防火墙有如下配置: Pix525(config) #nameif ethernet0 P1 security100 Pix525(config) #nameif ethernet1 P2 security0 Pix525(config) #nameif ethernet2 P3 security50 那么常用的端口连接方案是(37)。
A. 端口P1作为外部接口,P2连接DMZ,P3作为内部接口
B. 端口P1作为内部接口,P2连接DMZ,P3作为外部接口
C. 端口P1作为外部接口,P2作为内部接口,P3连接DMZ
D. 端口P1作为内部接口,P2作为外部接口,P3连接DMZ
A. 减小读取激光波长,减小光学物镜数值孔径(numerical aperture of objective)
B. 增大读取激光波长,增大光学物镜数值孔径(numerical aperture of objective)
C. 增大读取激光波长,减小光学物镜数值孔径(numerical aperture of objective)
D. 减小读取激光波长,增大光学物镜数值孔径(numerical aperture of objective)
[单选题]下面( )不是Web 工作的部分
A. 客户机
B. 服务器
C. HTTP 协议
D. FTP 协议