第二产业(secondary industry)、历史研究(historical research)、历史事件(historical events)、马克·布洛赫(marc bloch)、史学方法(historical method)、技术协作(technical cooperation)、第一产业(primary industry)、分生组织(meristem)、双子叶植物(dicotyledon)、木栓形成层(cork cambium)
[单选题]该生态产业园区中 ( )
A. 企业的集聚避免了市场的竞争
B. 技术协作带来了企业间的集聚
C. 企业彼此间形成了生产工序上的联系
D. 物质的循环利用形成了第一产业(primary industry)和第二产业的联系
A. 商品的价值量分别为
B. 720万元,6元 B.720万元,5元
C. 600万元,5元 D.600万元,6元
[单选题]掌握恰当的史学方法是历史学习的重要目标。回答22~23题。22. 法国史学家马克·布洛赫在《为历史学辩护》中指出:“在进行历史研究时,人们往往迷恋于寻找单一的原因,便错误地将原因归结于某一个,这样就成为一种价值判断。”马克·布洛赫强调历史研究应
A. 抓住事物发展的根本原因
B. 分清历史事件的主次原因
C. 多角度地认识和考察史实
D. 以正确的价值判断为起点
[单选题]D.My family and I lived across the street from Southway Park since I was four years old. Then just last year they city put a chain link fence around the park and started bulldozing (用推土机推平) the trees and grass to make way for a new apartment complex. When I saw the fence and bulldozers, I asked myself, “Why don’t they just leave it alone?”
A. Looking back, I think what sentenced the part to oblivion (别遗忘) was the drought (旱灾) we had about four years ago. Up until then, Southway Park was a nice green park with plenty of trees and a public swimming pool. My friends and I rollerskated on the sidewalks, climbed the tress, and swam in the pool all the years I was growing up. The park was almost like my own yard. Then the summer I was fifteen the drought came and things changed.
B. There had been almost no rain at all that year. The city stopped watering the park grass. Within a few weeks I found myself living across the street from a huge brown desert. Leaves fell off the part tress, and pretty soon the trees started dying, too. Next, the part swimming pool was closed. The city cut down on the work force that kept the park, and pretty soon it just got too ugly and dirty to enjoy anymore.
C. As the drought lasted into the fall, the part got worse every month. The rubbish piled up or blew across the brown grass. Soon the only people in the park were beggars and other people down on their luck. People said drugs were being sold or traded there now. The part had gotten scary, and my mother told us kids not to go there anymore.
D. The drought finally ended and things seemed to get back to normal, that is, everything but the park. It had gotten into such bad shape that the city just let it stay that way. Then about six months ago I heard that the city was going to “redevelop” certain worn-out areas of the city. It turned out that the city had planned to get rid of the park, sell the land and let someone build rows of apartment buildings on it.
E. The chain-link fencing and bulldozers did their work. Now we live across the street from six rows of apartment building. Each of them is three units high and stretches a block in each direction. The neighborhood has changed without the park. The streets I used to play in are jammed with cars now. Things will never be the same again. Sometimes I wonder, though, what changes another drought would make in the way things are today.
F. 53. How did the writer feel when he saw the fence and bulldozers?
G. Scared.
H. Confused.
I. Upset.
J. Curious.
B. even
C. still
D. again
A. thusB. even
B. still
C. again
[单选题]双子叶植物(dicotyledon)的根能不断增粗是因为有侧分生组织(meristem)。( )
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 正确
B. 错误