
A 方有一对密钥(KApub,KApri),B 方有一对密匙(KBpub,KBpri),

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    工程项目(project)、解决方案(solution)、系统集成(system integration)、软件开发(software development)、操作方法(operation method)、资质审查(qualification examination )

  • [单选题]A 方有一对密钥(KApub,KApri),B 方有一对密匙(KBpub,KBpri),A 方给B 方发送信息M,对信息M 加密为:M‘= KBpub(KApri(M))。B 方收到密文,正确的解决方案是()

  • A. KBpub(KApri(M‘))
    B. KBpub(KApub(M‘))
    C. KApub(KApri(M‘))
    D. KBpRI(KApri(M‘))

  • 查看答案&解析查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]● HTTP协议中,用于读取一个网页的操作方法(operation method)为 (68) 。(68)
  • A. READ
    B. GET
    C. HEAD
    D. POST

  • [单选题]● You are a project manager for a small project. Your project was budgeted for ¥500,000 over a six-week period. As of today, you've spent ¥260,000 of your budget to complete work that you originally expected to cost ¥280,000. According to your schedule, you should have spent ¥300,000 by this point. Based on these circumstances, your project could be BEST described as (74) .(74)
  • A. Ahead of schedule
    B. Behind schedule
    C. On schedule
    D. Having not enough information provided

  • [单选题]在TCP中的六个控制位哪一个是用来请求同步的
  • A. SYN
    B. ACK
    C. FIN
    D. RST

  • [单选题]工程项目实施阶段出现(57)情况时,总监理工程师有权下达停工令。①擅自变更设计及开发方案而自行实施、开发
  • A. ②未经技术资质审查(qualification examination )的人员进入现场实施、开发
    B. ③隐蔽作业(指综合布线及系统集成中埋入墙内或地板下的部分)未经现场监理人员查验自行封闭、掩盖
    C. ④将W点确定为软件开发关键工序,约定时间监理工程师未到现场检查而进行该 W点的实施
    D. ①②③④
    E. ①②③
    F. ①③④
    G. ②④

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/j8x97y.html
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