能见度(visibility)、救生艇(boat)、值班人员(operator on duty)、第九条(the ninth item)、轮机长(chief engineer)、适用于(suitable for)
[单选题]The space between cylinder liner and jacket is called _____.
A. the cooling water
B. the circulating water
C. the cooler
D. the cooling water space
A. 10°~20°
B. 20°~30°
C. 30°~40°
D. 40°~50°
A. 船长
B. 轮机长(chief engineer)
C. 值班人员
D. 船东代表
[单选题]When using a fuel with a higher than normal sulfur content in an auxiliary four stroke diesel engine, you may
A. maintain higher than normal jacket water temperature
B. change the lube oil more frequently than normal
C. maintain a higher air-box temperature than normal
D. maintain a higher air-box pressure than normal
[单选题]“过弯道规则”(《规则》第九条6款)适用于(suitable for)()。
A. 能见度良好时
B. 任何能见度情况
C. 互见中
D. 能见度小于2nmile的情况