缔约过失责任(contracting fault liability)、新兴学科(new subject)、《物权法》(the property rights law)、履行合同(perform a contract)、解除合同(dissolution of contract)、一面镜子(a mirror)、《清明上河图》(on the riverside scene of pure brightne
...)、《合同法》、缺乏法律依据(absence of law testimonies)、不能实现(cannot realize)
[单选题]《苦恼》一文的作者契诃夫的国籍是 ( )
A. 美国
B. 俄国
C. 法国
D. 英国
[单选题]The reason for the old woman's secret burial was that the three women ______.
A. were too sad to let the public know it
B. had no money to arrange for a public funeral
C. wanted to collect the old woman's pension
D. were afraid that they might be put into prison
[单选题]乙买甲一套房屋,已经支付1/3价款,双方约定余款待过户手续办理完毕后付清。后甲反悔,要求解除合同,乙不同意,起诉要求甲继续履行合同,转移房屋所有权。下列选项正确的是( )
A. 合同尚未生效,甲应返还所受领的价款并承担缔约过失责任
B. 合同无效,甲应返还所受领的价款
C. 合同有效,甲应继续履行合同
D. 合同有效,法院应当判决解除合同、甲赔偿乙的损失
[单选题]Do you think her beauty could__________her Stupidity?
A. make up
B. make out
C. make up for
D. make for
[单选题]第二次世界大战以后出现的一门新兴学科是______________。 ( )
A. 新闻学
B. 宣传学
C. 传播学
D. 政治学
[单选题]被艺术家们评价为“中国社会和历史文化的一面镜子”的作品是 __________。 ( )
A. 《清明上河图》(on the riverside scene of pure brightne)
B. 《李大钊》
C. 《父亲》
D. 《奔马》