世博会(world expo)、藏传佛教(tibetan buddhism)、独立自主(independence)、团结互助(unity and mutual aid)、玉树州、和谐的民族关系(harmonious relationships among ethic gr
A. developen
B. apend
C. spread
D. ladea
[单选题]After the author made the phone call, __________ .
A. they forgave the stockbroker
B. they failed to get the check
C. they went to New York immediately
D. they spoke to their boss at once
A. 正常的宗教活动可以为社会和谐做贡献
B. 形成了平等团结互助和谐的民族关系(harmonious relationships among ethic gr)
C. 少数民族有从事宗教活动的自由
D. 宗教坚持独立自主自办的原则