
151 面色萎黄,遍体浮肿,晨起头面肿甚,动则下肢肿甚,疲乏无力,便

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  • 【名词&注释】

    使用价值(use value)、大出血(massive hemorrhage)、呼吸困难(dyspnea)、抽象劳动(abstract labor)、脑力劳动(mental work)、体力劳动(physical labor)、心源性哮喘(cardiac asthma)、具体劳动(concrete labor)、人民政府(s government)、周恩来总理

  • [单选题]151 面色萎黄,遍体浮肿,晨起头面肿甚,动则下肢肿甚,疲乏无力,便糖,舌苔薄腻,脉软弱者,治疗宜用

  • A. 济生肾气丸
    B. 防己黄芪汤
    C. 附子理中丸
    D. 参苓白术散

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  • [单选题]下列关于村民委员会的表述,错误的是()。
  • A. 村民委员会对村民会议负责,向村民会议报告工作
    B. 村民委员会组成人员由村民直接选举产生
    C. 村民委员会的设立、撤销、范围调整,由乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府(s government)提出,必须经村民会议讨论同意后,报县有民政府批准
    D. 村民会议由村民委员会召集,如有1/20以上村民提议,应召集村民会议

  • [单选题]Text 3When it comes to the slowing economy, Ellen Spero isn’t biting her nails just yet. But the 47-year-old manicurist isn’t cutting, filling or polishing as many nails as she’d like to, either. Most of her clients spend $12 to $50 weekly, but last month two longtime customers suddenly stopped showing up. Spero blames the softening economy. “I’m a good economic indicator,” she says. “I provide a service that people can do without when they’re concerned about saving some dollars.” So Spero is downscaling, shopping at middle-brow Dillard’s department store near her suburban Cleveland home, instead of Neiman Marcus. “I don’t know if other clients are going to abandon me, too” she says.
  • Even before Alan Greenspan’s admission that America’s red-hot economy is cooling, lots of working folks had already seen signs of the slowdown themselves. From car dealerships to Gap outlets, sales have been lagging for months as shoppers temper their spending. For retailers, who last year took in 24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the cautious approach is coming at a crucial time. Already, experts say, holiday sales are off 7 percent from last year’s pace. But don’t sound any alarms just yet. Consumers seem only concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy’s long-term prospects, even as they do some modest belt-tightening. Consumers say they’re not in despair because, despite the dreadful headlines, their own fortunes still feel pretty good. Home prices are holding steady in most regions. In Manhattan, “there’s a new gold rush happening in the $4 million to $10 million range, predominantly fed by Wall Street bonuses,” says broker Barbara Corcoran. In San Francisco, prices are still rising even as frenzied overbidding quiets. “Instead of 20 to 30 offers, now maybe you only get two or three,” says john Deadly, a Bay Area real-estate broker. And most folks still feel pretty comfortable about their ability to find and keep a job. Many folks see silver linings to this slowdown. Potential home buyers would cheer for lower interest rates. Employers wouldn’t mind a little fewer bubbles in the job market. Many consumers seem to have been influenced by stock-market swings, which investors now view as a necessary ingredient to a sustained boom. Diners might see an upside, too. Getting a table at Manhattan’s hot new Alain Ducasse restaurant need to be impossible. Not anymore. For that, Greenspan & Co. may still be worth toasting. 第51题:By “Ellen Spero isn’t biting her nails just yet”(Line 1, Paragraph 1), the author means

  • A. Spero can hardly maintain her business.
    B. Spero is too much engaged in her work.
    C. Spero has grown out of her bad habit.
    D. Spero is not in a desperate situation.

  • [多选题]左心衰竭的体征是118.左心衰竭的早期症状是
  • A. 心界扩大
    B. 室性奔马律
    C. 浮肿
    D. 劳力性呼吸困难
    E. 心率增快

  • [单选题]关于十二指肠溃疡的手术适应证,错误的是
  • A. 内科治疗无效
    B. X线钡餐检查证实龛影较深
    C. 有穿孔史,溃疡呈活动性
    D. 反复多次大出血
    E. 45岁以上,不能除外恶变

  • [单选题]马克思说:“就使用价值说,有意义的只是商品中包含的劳动的质;就价值量说,有意义的只是商品中包含的劳动的量,不过这种劳动已经转化为没有质的区别的人类劳动。”这里所说的没有质的区别的人类劳动是指
  • A. 抽象劳动
    B. 具体劳动(concrete labor)
    C. 脑力劳动
    D. 体力劳动

  • [单选题]首先提出和平共处五项原则的是( )
  • A. 毛泽东
    B. 周恩来
    C. 刘少奇
    D. 邓小平

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