积极参与(active participation)、环境保护(environmental protection)、自行车(bicycle)、个人行为(individual behavior)、交通工具(transportation means)、序数词(ordinal numeral)、《岳阳楼记》、塑料包装物、政通人和、动物性食物(animal foods)
A. 2100
B. -2100
A. way]
B. skill
C. sentence
D. lesson
A. 寒暑易节,始一反焉
B. 将军身被坚执锐(《陈涉世家》)
C. 政通人和,百废具兴(《岳阳楼记》)
D. 退而甘食其土之有(《捕蛇者说》)
[单选题]( )A number of new houses __________in Wenchuan last year.
A. built
B. are built
C. were built
D. will be built
[单选题]When is your birthday?
It ’s_________ .
A. october 7th
B. may,5th
C. September 2nd
D. January 8
[单选题]12. About_______ of the workers in the factory were born in the __________.
A. two- thirds;1970
B. two- thirds ; 1970s
C. two-third ; 1970
D. two-third ; 1970s
[单选题]保护和改善环境,是每一个公民的义务。下列有利于保护和改善环境最有效的个人行为是( )
A. 塑料包装物的回收利用
B. 以自行车代替汽车作为个人的交通工具
C. 不吃动物性食物(animal foods)
D. 积极参与环境保护活动