
通过哪种协议可以在网络中动态地获得IP地址?( )

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  • 【名词&注释】

    安全性(safety)、软件开发(software development)、可移植性(portability)、连接件(connector)、服务区(service area)、单元测试(unit test)、软件产品(software product)、终端设备(terminal equipment)、可维护性(maintainability)、动态地(dynamically)

  • [单选题]通过哪种协议可以在网络中动态地(dynamically)获得IP地址?( )

  • A. DHCP
    B. SNMP
    C. PPP
    D. UDP

  • 查看答案&解析查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]● 建筑物综合布线系统中的工作区子系统是指(66)。(66)
  • A. 由终端到信息插座之间的连线系统
    B. 楼层接线间的配线架和线缆系统
    C. 各楼层设备之间的互连系统
    D. 连接各个建筑物的通信系统

  • [单选题]●系统测试是将软件系统与硬件、外设和网络等其他因素结合,对整个软件系统进行测试。 (11) 不是系统测试的内容。(11)
  • A. 路径测试
    B. 可靠性测试
    C. 安装测试
    D. 安全测试

  • [单选题]McCall软件质量模型把软件的质量特性分为三个重要的方面,属于软件产品(software product)运行方面的特性有(64),属于软件产品(software product)修改方面的特性有(65)。
  • A. 可移植性
    B. 可维护性(maintainability)
    C. 可使用性
    D. 灵活性

  • [单选题]In information theory, "information" is regarded as knowledge which reduces or removes(71) about the occurrence of a specific event from a given set of possible events. The concept "event" is to be understood as used in the theory of probability. For instance, an event may be the occurrence of a(72) character or word in a given message or in a given position of a message.In communication theory, channel is defined as that part of a communication system that connects the message source with the message sink. An encoder may be inserted between the message source and the input to the channel, and a(73) between the output of the channel and the message sink. Generally, these two units are not considered as being parts of the channel. In certain cases, however, they may be considered as pans of the message source and message sink,(74) In information theory(75) to Shannon, the channel can be characterized by the set of conditional probabilities of occurrence of all the messages received at the message sink when a given message emanates from the message source.
  • A. uncertainty
    B. unreliability
    C. randomness
    D. inconsistency

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/k5o5kd.html
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