

来源: 布丁学网    发布:2022-10-25     [手机版]    
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  • 中文简体
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  • PC/手机



1. [单选题]You want to install Windows 2000 Professional on 30 PXE-compliant computers and 35 non-PXE-compliant computers. All 65 computers are included on the current hardware compatibility list (HCL). You create a RIS image. You load the image on the RIS server. You then start the 65 computers.You find that the 30 PXE-Compliant computers can connect to the RIS server.

A. However, the 35 non-PXE-compliant computers fail to connect to the RIS server. What should you do?
B. Run Rbfg.exe to create a Non-PXE-compliant startup disk.
C. Run Riprep.exe to create a Non-PXE complaint startup disk.
D. Grant the Everyone group NTFS Read permission for the RIS image.
E. Grant the Administrators group NTFS Read permission for the RIS image.

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