
I don't know his address, ______.

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  • 【名词&注释】

    虚拟语气(subjunctive mood)、一部分(part)、非真实性、不符合(inconformity)、举例说明(illustrate)、因果关系。、第一个(first)、画蛇添足(superfluity)、并列句(coordinate clause)

  • [单选题]I don't know his address, ______.

  • A. otherwise I will write to him
    B. otherwise I would write to him
    C. otherwise I had written to him
    D. otherwise I would have written to him

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]Beijing's top hotels are fielding scores of calls from foreigners and Chinese people eager to book rooms during the 2008 Olympic Games in the Chinese capital. The luxurious and recently-renovated Beijing Hotel said it had received nearly 100 telephone inquiries from people wanting to book rooms during the Games since Beijing won its bid to host the event. "Out of these people, foreigners make up 30 to 40 per cent, including people calling from the United States and Europe," a hotel sales manager surnamed Song said.
  • A. Minutes before the decision by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was announced in Moscow, the hotel had already received 50 to 60 such phone calls from would be game-goers gambling on the result. Domestic callers have mainly come from the southern provinces of Guangdong and Fujian. Song said the hotel was not taking reservations, but only noting down names of callers, because seven years was too far in advance. The hotel also may be used by the IOC and would then need to set aside rooms for IOC members, he said.
    B. Beijing will have more than 800 hotels with star ratings before the Olympic Games in 2008. The city currently has 20 five-star hotels, 34 four-star hotels and 338 other hotels with lower ratings. About 70 hotels will be designated to accommodate athletes and Olympic officials during the Games.
    C. In the first paragraph, which of the following is the most possible reason for many people to book rooms in top hotels in Beijing?
    D. The 2008 Olympic Games will be hold there.
    E. More foreigners want to come to China.
    F. People from the United States and Europe are eager to visit China.
    G. Those hotels can offer good service.

  • [单选题]Connie: Are you doing pottery? It looks like fun! Frank: ______ ? Connie: Boy, would I? Thanks.
  • A. Would you please give me a hand
    B. Would you please not to bother me
    C. Have you ever learned how to do it
    D. Would you like to try it

  • [单选题]Medicine Directions
  • A. Take two tablets with warm water, followed by one tablet every eight hours, as required. For maximum nighttime and early morning relief, take two tablets at bedtime. Do not exceed six tablets in twenty-four hours.
    B. For children six to twelve years old, give half the adult dosage. For children under six years old consult your doctor.
    C. Reduce dosage if nervousness, restlessness, or sleeplessness occurs.
    D. The label on this medicine bottle clearly warns not to take more than ______.
    E. twenty-four tablets a day
    F. eight tablets a day
    G. six tablets a day
    H. three tablets a day

  • [单选题]Wang (guest): That was a delicious dinner. Mrs. Willis (hostess): ______. Would you like to go to the living room now? It's more comfortable there.
  • A. Thank you. Don't mention it
    B. You're welcome
    C. Not so delicious, I'm afraid
    D. I'm glad you enjoyed it

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/l807oy.html
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