
下列关于文学名著的表述,有误的一项是( )

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  • 【名词&注释】

    资源丰富(rich resources)、《西游记》(journey to the west)、百折不挠(steadfast)、《名人传》、齐天大圣、相提并论、热爱生活(love your life)、七十二变、法国网球公开赛冠军、维妙维肖

  • [单选题]下列关于文学名著的表述,有误的一项是( )

  • A. 孙悟空由一块仙石变化而成,他手持金箍棒,神通广大,能七十二变;他大闹天宫,自封为“齐天大圣”;他勇敢机智,百折不挠,保护唐僧去西天取经,深受读者的喜爱。(吴承恩《西游记》)
    B. 武松是绿林好汉中富有血性和传奇色彩的人物。他从替兄报仇开始,斗杀西门庆,醉打蒋门神,风雪山神庙,血溅鸳鸯楼,一步步被逼上梁山。(施耐庵《水浒》)
    C. “啊!如果我能摆脱这种疾病,我一定能拥抱整个世界!……我要扼住命运的咽喉,它永远不能使我完全屈服!啊,如果能活上千百次那就太好了!”这是贝多芬对残酷命运发出的强烈抗争。(罗曼·罗兰《名人传》)
    D. 阿廖沙三岁时,父亲死于霍乱,母亲带他去投奔外祖父。外祖父贪婪、专横、残暴,经常毒打幼小的阿廖沙。所幸外祖母慈祥善良,热爱生活(love your life),她如一盏明灯,照亮了阿廖沙敏感而孤独的心。(高尔基《童年》)

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  • [单选题]4. A fat man should eat ________food and take ________ exercise.
  • A. less,less
    B. fewer,more
    C. less,more
    D. more, fewer

  • [单选题]AWhen you look at the sky at night,the moon looks bigger than the stars. In fact,the moon is much smaller than the stars.It is much smaller than the earth. But the moon is much closer to us than any star. That is why it looks so big. If you hold a coin close.to your eye,it looks big.If you look at it across the room,it looks small.The moon moves around the earth. It makes one trip in about four weeks. The moon looks flat(扁的)to us. But it is a round ball,like the earth.People once thought the moon had fire(火) on it. They thought the fire made it bright.Now we know the moon is like a mirror( 镜子 ). It gets its light from the sun Our sunlight comes from the sun,too: What is the sun? The sun is star. The stars we can see have their own light. There are many big stars we can-t see. Their light has burned out. Others are still bright,but they are so far away that we can-t see them. The sun looks bigger and much brighter than other stars because it is the nearest of all stars. The sun and the other stars we see are very hot,but the air around us saves us from(使------免于) the heat(热量) of the sun.The sun gives us light and warmth.It makes plants grow and leaves turn green. It makes life possible on our earth.It is a life-giving star.
  • A. The moon looks bigger because__________ .
    B. some stars are smaller than it
    C. it is between the sun and the earth
    D. it is the closest to the earth
    E. it is very bright

  • [单选题]23.
  • A. alone
    B. busily
    C. carefully
    D. happily

  • [单选题]下列各句加点词语使用正确的一项是
  • A. 我们班的王芳和李红青梅竹马,她们像亲姐妹一样整天形影不离。
    B. 经过忍辱负重的刻苦训练,李娜终于夺得2011年法国网球公开赛冠军。
    C. 我市自然资源丰富,投资环境宽松,许多客商针锋相对地前来投资兴业。
    D. 语文老师给我们讲了邓小平当年鲜为人知的革命故事。

  • [单选题]下列各组词语中没有错别字的一项是( )
  • A. 吊唁 凝聚 寥寥数语 半身不隧
    B. 茏统 纵横 肆无忌惮 人声鼎沸
    C. 嗔怪 静默 岿然不动 维妙维肖
    D. 裨益 窥探 丰功伟绩 相提并论

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