

来源: 布丁学网    发布:2022-10-09     [手机版]    
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  • PC/手机



1. [单选题]下列命令中,无法正确执行的是()

A. Router(config)show run
B. Routerping
C. Router(config)hostname cisco
D. Routerreload

2. [单选题]The Ezonexam corporate LAN consists of one large flat network. You decide to segment this LAN into two separate networks with a router. What will be the affect of this change?

A. The number of broadcast domains will be decreased.
B. It will make the broadcasting of traffic between domains more efficient between segments.
C. It will increase the number of collisions.
D. It will prevent segment 1's broadcasts from getting to segment 2.
E. It will connect segment 1's broadcasts to segment 2.

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