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  • 【名词&注释】

    生产经营(production and management)、有效积温(effective accumulated temperature)、专利权人(patentee)、专利产品(patent product)、《专利法》、日平均温度、实用新型专利(utility model patent)、高级神经活动类型(type of higher nervous activity)、地中海果蝇(medfly)

  • [单选题]甲公司获得了某医用镊子的实用新型专利(utility model patent),不久后乙公司自行研制出相同的镊子,并通过丙公司销售给丁医院使用。乙、丙、丁都不知道甲已经获得该专利。下列选项正确的是( )

  • A. 乙的制造行为不构成侵权
    B. 丙的销售行为不构成侵权
    C. 丁的使用行为不构成侵权
    D. 丙和丁能证明其产品的合法来源,不承担赔偿责任

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  • [单选题]屈原《国殇》描写战斗的进程,主要表现方法是( )
  • A. 象征暗示
    B. 对比描写
    C. 场面描绘
    D. 侧面烘托

  • [单选题]Passage TwoThe lion may be the most famous of all the predators of Africa, but one of the most fascinating is the wild dog. Wild dogs are fairly small, averaging seventy pounds, with round, fanlike ears that look too big for their heads. They have shaggy brown coats with scattered patches of white. One of these animals by itself looks harmless or even comical. But when they band together, in packs of up to forty, the wild dogs become dangerous predators that tirelessly run down and kill animals that are many times their own size.
  • A. Wild dogs have to be good hunters in order to feed their large families; a single female can have as many as sixteen pups at a time. But usually only one female in a pack breeds at a time, and all the pack members help to care for the young. At first, the pups feed on their mother's milk. Then the other dogs begin to bring back meat from the kill, carrying it in their stomachs and throwing it up when the pups come running to them to beg for food. Finally, the young dogs begin to go along on hunts. At this time one of the most striking differences between wild dogs and lions can be seen. When a pride of lions makes a kill, the adult males always eat their fill first. But the wild dogs let the pups feed first, even when they are still too young to really help in making the kill.
    B. 36. A good title for this passage would be ______.
    C. Africa's Wild Dogs
    D. Killers of the Plains
    E. Predators of Africa
    F. The Greedy Lion

  • [单选题]最早的气质学说是( )
  • A. 体液说
    B. 体型说
    C. 激素说
    D. 高级神经活动类型(type of higher nervous activity)

  • [单选题]地中海果蝇(medfly)的生物学零度是13.5℃,完成发育所需的有效积温是250日·度(d·℃),则其在日平均温度26℃条件下完成发育所需要的天数是( )
  • A. 20天
    B. 30天
    C. 40天
    D. 50天

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