西方国家(western countries)、带状疱疹(herpes zoster)、政治制度(political system)、霸权主义(hegemonism)、经济制度(economic system)、神经官能症(neurosis)、发源地、干性胸膜炎(dry pleurisy)、强权政治(power politics)、世界和平与发展(world peace and development)
[判断题]法人清算组织的职权是对内清理财产,处理法人的有关事务,对外代表法人了结债权、债务。( )
[单选题]第 36 题 当今世界和平与发展(world peace and development)的主要障碍是( )
A. 霸权主义与强权政治(power politics)
B. 垄断资本主义的经济制度
C. 垄断资本主义的政治制度
D. 西方国家的“西化”与“分化”政策
A. Isn't she your girlfriendB. They said she had left for London
B. What's the problem
C. Her office left you a message
D. Why not invite me, then
E. F. They said they had phoned Linda
F. G. The manager of their office had suddenly fallen iii
G. H. Sorry, I lost my way
H. A: Are you phoning Linda?
I. B: Yes. But how did you know?
J. A: (56)
K. B: What did they say?
L. A: (57)
M. B: What happened?
N. A: (58) . She had to go and take his place for three days.
O. B: That's too bad.
P. A: (59) ?
Q. B: You see, I had arranged for us to have a dinner with a friend tonight.
R. A: (60) ?
S. B: Sure. Why not?
[单选题]艺术魅力的发源地是。( )
A. 审美情感
B. 审美感知
C. 审美想像
D. 审美理解
A. prepared
B. served
C. bought
D. brought
[多选题]下列关于胸痛性质的叙述,不正确的是( )
A. 干性胸膜炎(dry pleurisy)呈尖锐刺痛
B. 食管炎多为烧灼痛
C. 神经官能症可呈针刺样痛
D. 肺癌常为绞窄样痛
E. 带状疱疹呈刀割样痛