
下列各项正确说明我国当前的改革的性质和特点的有( )

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    党的领导(the leadership of the party)、社会公德(social morality)、社会风尚(social custom)、买卖合同(sales contract)、社会主义制度的自我完善、安定团结(dissimilated labor)、法院院长、社交活动(social activity)、公开审判原则(rules for open judge)、一段时间(a period)

  • [多选题]下列各项正确说明我国当前的改革的性质和特点的有( )

  • A. 我国的改革是社会主义制度的自我完善
    B. 我国的改革是在党的领导下有计划有步骤地进行的
    C. 我国的改革是在安定团结的政治环境中进行的
    D. 我国的改革是以坚持四项基本原则为前提的

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  • [单选题]某甲因不履行与某乙签订的买卖合同,而被某乙起诉到法院。在案件开始审理前,某乙发现审理本案的审判长是某甲的哥哥,因此请求更换审判长。法院院长查证情况属实后,更换了审判长。这符合诉讼法的( )
  • A. 回避原则
    B. 合议制原则
    C. 公开审判原则(rules for open judge)
    D. 二审终审制原则

  • [单选题]若要Windows启动屏保程序,是在用户一段时间(a period)
  • A. 没有按键盘
    B. 没有移动鼠标
    C. 键盘和鼠标均未动
    D. 没有使用打印机

  • [单选题]Americans are a very energetic and mobile people,always on the run,rushing from one appointment to another,from a PTA(Parent-Teacher Association)meeting to a social planning committee.They have very little time to spend preparing elaborate(精致的,复杂的)everyday meals to be eaten at leisure. In many homes it is rare for the whole family to sit down at supper together. Clubs and committees force them to grab a quick meal rather than a sit-down supper.
  • A. When they do have the chance to eat at home,often the working housewife prefers to prepare meals that can be quickly heated and consumed. It is no wonder,therefore,that America has become a shelter for fast food consumption.
    B. This great transformation occurred after World War Ⅱ when many women began to work full time and spend less time at home with their families. Women,however,wanted to function well in the capacity of homemaker,as well as that of career woman but time became a precious commodity(商品)which had to be carefully used.
    C. Therefore,it was necessary to make her life easier at home in the preparation of the family dinner. Simultaneously with women entering the job market there was also a shifting of the focus of home entertainment from the radio to the television. Television became the latest fashion in the 1950s and no one wanted to miss his or her favorite programs. And then. the place for supper shifted from the dining room to the living room.
    D. As the customs changed,so did the culture. The immediate solution for this was the invention of the TV dinner. These were frozen meals which were divided into portions of meat and vegetables. They could easily be put into an oven(锅)and prepared within minutes. The tin trays(托盘)in which they were served were conveniently carried into the living room and dinner Was consumed in front of a TV set. Cleaning up afterwards Was no problem. The fin trays were easily thrown into the garbage. From fast dinners at home the next step was quick eating while on the road. Love for TV was combined with the fascination for the automobile. It is not odd that with the development of the superhighways America saw the beginning of fast food chains. McDonald's paved the way with its variety of burgers and cold drinks soon to be followed by all kinds of other foods. Today dozens of fast-food chain stores can be found along highways,in modem shopping malls and scattered throughout neighborhoods in America. Taco Bell,Pizza Hut,Roy Roger's,Burger King and Wendy's ale just a few of the fast-food chains which are now part of American culture. They offer chicken,donuts,tacos and pizza,all quickly produced in great quantities for the masses. These establishments have given shape to the modem lifestyles and diet of the American people.
    E. In America,the whole family seldom have dinner together at home because______.
    F. they have so many social activities
    G. they have a lot of meetings to attend
    H. they rush from one appointment to another
    I. they often move from one place to another

  • [单选题]社会风尚最基本、最起码、最广泛的标志是
  • A. 社会公德
    B. 职业道德
    C. 家庭美德
    D. 个人品德

  • [单选题]As for family education,parents are encouraged to rely on______rather than punishment.
  • A. criticism
    B. intimidation
    C. persuasion
    D. scolding

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