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    网络通信(network communication)、直方图(histogram)、可用性、历史数据(historical data)、发现问题、数据表(data table)、完整性(integrity)、精度高(high precision)、客户机/服务器、异常情况(abnormal condition)

  • [单选题]从计算机安全属性对网络攻击进行分类,阻断攻击是针对______的攻击。

  • A. 机密性
    B. 完整性(integrity)
    C. 可用性
    D. 可审计性

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  • [单选题]用图表(如直方图、曲线图等)形式表示数据表有很多优点,但这些优点中不包括(70)。
  • A. 直观
    B. 根据历史数据,便于推测近期未来数据
    C. 易于发现问题
    D. 精度高(high precision)

  • [多选题]_____是对象之间关联的一个重要方面,它说明了在关联中一个类的对象可以对应另一个类的多个对象。
  • A. 继承
    B. 多态
    C. 封装
    D. 多重性

  • [单选题]企业网络计算中,主要用于决策支持而且非常重要的一部分是(31)。
  • A. 客户机/服务器计算
    B. 网络通信
    C. 数据仓库
    D. 分布式数据库

  • [单选题]A typical application of this(71)is ADSL. It is emerging as the technology for home-and small-office Internet connectivity. It provides either 1.5 Mb/s~8 Mb/s from the network to the user and 64 Kb/s~512 Kb/s in the reverse direction depending on the distance, 12 000 or 18 000 feet.. The different speed for each direction gives it the(72)label. ADSL is designed to take advantage of the fact that video-on demand, telecommuting, and Internet access traffic are inherently asymmetrical. The user(73)a brief message up to the network and receives a ton of data coming back, either a movie or a piece of data download. Under such a scenario, low-speed traffic to the network is just fine. ADSL delivers high(74)where you need it and only uses a single copper pair. Through multiplexing, it also reserves(75)of the bandwidth for POTS.
  • A. FTTH
    B. HFC
    C. FTTC
    D. HDSL

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/lkwd89.html
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