1. [多选题]The blood is examined in order to answer following principal questions
A. Is themarrow producing sufficient numbers of mature cells in the hematopoietic lineages
B. Are the red cells in the blood normal
C. Are the leukocytes in the blood normal
D. Is the development of each hematopoietic lineages qualitatively normal
E. Are the platelets in the blood normal
2. [多选题]红细胞膜在红细胞生活过程中起重要作用,下列哪些是红细胞膜的功能( )。
A. 维持红细胞的正常形态
B. 物质运输
C. 具有抗原性
D. 具有变形性
E. 具有免疫功能
3. [多选题]评价检验结果的常用指标主要是
A. 灵敏性
B. 特异性
C. ROC曲线
D. 准确度
E. Cut off值