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  • 【名词&注释】

    路由器(router)、物理层(physical layer)、效率高(high efficiency)、广域网协议、数据链路层(data link layer)

  • [单选题]关于PPP和HDLC的说法中,错误的是()

  • A. PPP是通用协议,HDLC是CISCO私有协议
    B. PPP有验证功能,HDLC无验证功能
    C. PPP效率低,HDLC效率高
    D. 在配置ISDN时,广域网协议不能封装成PPP,但可以封装成HDLC

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  • [单选题]OSI七层模型中,“段”是哪一层数据封装的名称()
  • A. 物理层
    B. 数据链路层(data link layer)
    C. 网络层
    D. 传输层

  • [单选题]对路由器的描述,正确的是()
  • A. 单广播域,单冲突域的设备
    B. 单广播域,多冲突域的设备
    C. 多广播域,单冲突域的设备
    D. 多广播域,多冲突域的设备

  • [单选题]The network administrator has configured port security on a Ezonexam switch. Why would a network administrator configure port security on this Ezonexam device?
  • A. To prevent unauthorized hosts from getting access to the LAN
    B. To limit the number of Layer 2 broadcasts on a particular switch port
    C. To prevent unauthorized Telnet or SSH access to a switch port
    D. To prevent the IP and MAC address of the switch and associated ports
    E. None of the above

  • [多选题]How could the Ezonexam corporation benefit from using VLANs on their network?(Select three answer choices.)
  • A. VLANs allow access to network services based on department, not physical location.
    B. VLANs utilize packet filtering to enhance network security.
    C. VLANs provide a low-latency, high bandwidth internetworking alternative.
    D. VLANs provide a method of communication between IP addresses in large networks.
    E. VLANs establish segmented broadcast domains in switched networks.
    F. F. VLANs can greatly simplify adding, moving, or changing hosts on the network.

  • [单选题]Your network uses the172.12.0.0 class B address. You need to support 459 hosts per subnet, while accommodating the maximum number of subnets. Which mask would you use?
  • A.
    E. None of the above

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/nglnz7.html
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