自然人(natural person)、移动性(mobility)、仰卧位(supine position)、左侧卧位(lateral recumbent position)、右侧卧位(right lateral position)、一个人(a person)
[判断题]自然人身份是伴随一个人(a person)的终身而不会丧失或改变的,而公民身份是可以改变或丧失的。( )
[单选题]It is not stated but implied in the passage that ______.
A. Ellsworth Huntington is a fortune-teller rather than a scientist
B. cool weather is more effective on man's creative thinking
C. certain elements in nature are more active in one season than in other seasons
D. summer is a good season for vacation
[多选题]检查移动性浊音的正确手法有 ( )
A. 右侧卧位(right lateral position)后,右侧腹叩呈浊音,左侧鼓音
B. 左侧卧位后,左侧腹叩呈鼓音,右侧浊音
C. 患者仰卧位时,腹中部呈鼓音,两侧浊音
D. 常常采用固定体位
E. 常常采用多次变换体位反复叩诊