自上而下、自下而上(from below)、行政机关(administrative organ)、人民群众(the masses)、直抒胸臆、权力机关(organ of power)、借景抒情、主管部门(department in charge)、庸俗进化论(vulgar evolutionism)、《都江堰》
[多选题]事物的发展是量变和质变的统一,割裂二者的统一会导致( )
A. 循环论
B. 激变论
C. 朴素唯物论
D. 庸俗进化论(vulgar evolutionism)
A. 《秋夜》
B. 《我与地坛》
C. 《哭小弟》
D. 《都江堰》
[单选题]Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.
A. Human feelings are affected by colour unconsciously. Manufacturers have discovered by trial and error that sugar sells badly in green wrappings,that blue foods are considered by consumers as tasteless,and that cosmetics should never be packaged in brown. These discoveries have grown into a whole discipline of colour psychology. Some of our preferences are clearly psychological. Dark blue is the colour of the night sky and therefore associated with quiet and calm:White yellow is a key colour in association with energy. For primitive men,activity during the day time meant hunting and attacking,which he soon saw red,the colour of blood and the fire. So it was natural that green, the complementary colour to red,should be associated with passive defence. Experiments have shown that colours also have a direct psychological effect. People when exposed to bright red,show an increase in breathing rate,heart beat and blood pressure. Red is exciting. Similar exposure to pure blue has exactly the opposite effect,because it is a calming colour. Because red has an implication of exciting,it was chosen as the signal for danger. Some analysis shows that a vivid yellow can produce a more basic state of alarm. So fire engines and ambulances in some advanced countries are now rushing around in bright yellow colours that stop traffic deed.
B. The passage is about______.
C. why colour affects humans
D. colour and manufacturers
E. colour and traffic accidents
F. how colours influence human feelings
A. 借景抒情
B. 借典故抒情
C. 借前人成句抒情
D. 直抒胸臆
[单选题]苏区人民群众对行政机关的监督包括自上而下和自下而上两种方式,其中自上而下的监督是指( )
A. 人民群众对行政机关的直接监督
B. 人民权力机关的监督
C. 工农检查机关的监督
D. 主管部门(department in charge)的监督