社会主义(socialism)、阶级斗争(class struggle)、失业率(unemployment rate)、政治运动(political movement)、解放生产力(liberate the productive forces)、工资待遇(wage and treatment)、劳动力过剩(labor surplus)
[单选题]“春化”作用的主导因子是( )
A. 水分
B. 温度
C. 光照
D. 生物
[单选题]第 12 题 在社会主义阶段,解放生产力的正确途径是( )
A. 革命
B. 政治运动
C. 改革
D. 阶级斗争
[单选题]What would happen if women's wages were raised?
A. The imput of labor would be increased.
B. The unemployment rate would go up.
C. Those who have jobs would all become better off.
D. Women as a group would earn more than before.