柴油机(diesel engine)、当事人(party)、交通安全法(traffic safety law)、落水者(fall in water person)、异常情况(abnormal condition)、主管机关(competent authorities)
[判断题]船舶在承运危险货物过程中,一旦发现异常情况(abnormal condition),29、在内河,落水者大都是由落水者附近船舶救起的。
[单选题]航行中对发电柴油机曲轴的断裂可以应急焊接修理,并进行封缸以维持柴油机运转,封缸后( )。
A. 必须降速运行
B. 须降负荷运行
C. 须降速和降负荷运行
D. 依据排烟温度来确定转速和负荷
[单选题]《海上交通安全法》规定,当事人对主管机关(competent authorities)给予的下列哪些处罚不服时,可以在接到处罚通知之日起15天内,向法院起诉______。Ⅰ、警告Ⅱ、扣留职务证书Ⅲ、罚款Ⅳ、吊销职务证书
A. Ⅰ~Ⅳ
B. Ⅰ~Ⅲ
C. Ⅱ~Ⅳ
D. Ⅲ、Ⅳ
[单选题]You are attempting to parallel two AC generators and the synchroscope pointer is revolving in the slow direction. This indicates that the frequency of the incoming machine is
A. higher than the bus frequency
B. lower than the bus frequency
C. file same as file bus frequency but out of phase with it
D. the same as the bus frequency, and the circuit breaker may be closed at nay pointer position
A. 黄色标身
B. 黄色顶标
C. 黄色光色
D. 以上都是