1. [单选题]NAT可以被用于完成多种功能,以下不属于其功能的是:()
A. 转换内部局部地址
B. 内部全局地址复用
C. TCP负载均衡
D. 内部网络流量控制
2. [单选题]TELNET工作在OSI哪一层()
A. 会话层(session layer)
B. 表示层
C. 传输层
D. 应用层
3. [单选题]PPP工作在OSI的哪一层()
A. 物理层
B. 数据链路层(data link layer)
C. 网络层
D. 传输层
4. [单选题]两个VLAN之间要想通信,应该使用的设备是()
A. 集线器
B. 二层交换机
C. 路由器
D. PC机
5. [单选题]路由器“路由模式”的提示符号是()
B. (config)
C. (config-if)
D. (config-router)
6. [单选题]路由器当前的模式为“端口模式”,要退回到“特权模式”,应该使用的快捷键(shortcut key)为()
A. ctrl+b
B. ctrl+z
C. ctrl+c
D. ctrl+p
7. [单选题]The network is subnetted using a /26 mask. How many networks and IP hosts per network exists using this subnet mask?
A. 4 networks and 64 hosts
B. 64 networks and 4 hosts
C. 4 networks and 62 hosts
D. 62 networks and 2 hosts
E. 6 network and 30 hosts
8. [单选题]Which one of the following characteristics is true regarding the use of hubs and switches?
A. Hubs can have their ports be configured with VLANs
B. Using hubs is costly with regard to bandwidth availability.
C. Switches can not forward broadcasts.
D. Switches are more efficient than hubs in processing frames.
E. Switches increase the number of collision domains in the network.