社会主义荣辱观(socialist concept of honor and disgrace)、生理功能(physiological function)、道德品质(moral character)、社会风尚(social custom)、价值尺度(measure of value)、各行各业、爱劳动(loving labor)、辛勤劳动、全社会(whole society)、好逸恶劳(indolence)
A. 运化水谷
B. 统血
C. 运化水液
D. 为气血生化之源
[多选题]社会主义荣辱观强调“以辛勤劳动为荣、以好逸恶劳(indolence)为耻”,就是指( )
A. 在各行各业包括新兴行业中培养爱劳动(loving labor)的思想
B. 使爱劳动(loving labor)的思想成为衡量公民道德品质的价值尺度
C. 在全社会(whole society)形成讲科学、爱科学、学科学、用科学的社会风尚
D. 在全社会(whole society)形成爱劳动(loving labor)的良好风气
[单选题]"... generation gap is narrowing" means" ______".
A. the adolescents now become timid
B. parents used to get along with their children
C. the vast majority of teenagers share most of their parents' values and ideas
D. parents and teenagers don't like to quarrel