
中国民主革命的主力军是( )

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  • 【名词&注释】

    工人阶级(working class)、民族资产阶级(national bourgeoisie)、农民阶级(peasant class)、主力军(main force)、发言人、小资产阶级(petty bourgeoisie)、马戏团(circus)、中国民主革命(chinese democratic revolution)

  • [单选题]中国民主革命(chinese democratic revolution)的主力军是( )

  • A. 工人阶级
    B. 农民阶级
    C. 城市小资产阶级(petty bourgeoisie)
    D. 民族资产阶级

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]Passage FiveThe Northern Pike is a very bad fish. It is a big, hungry fish, and swallows little fish such as trout and perch. Many Northern Pikes live in Lake Davis. They are killing all the smaller fish in the lake. The Northern Pike are a serious threat to the lake because they eat all the smaller fish. Soon, all other species of fish in the lake will be killed off. This is not healthy for the environment.
  • A. Experts are afraid that the Northern Pike will swim out of Lake Davis through many smaller rivers that feed into the lake. They could spread all over the country and damage many other water environments. If that happens, it would be too late to stop the Northern Pike.
    B. For ten years, officials have been trying to remove the Northern Pike from Lake Davis. They haw. tried using nets, explosives and poisons. However, the Northern Pike population is still doing well in Lake Davis. Many people do not like the idea of using poison to kill the fish. They worry that the poi- sons are bad for humans who use the water. No trace of the poisons has ever been found in local wells, however.
    C. Scientists are going to try the poison again. This time, they will drain the lake before they add the poison to the water. A public hearing will be held to talk about the problem.
    D. 52. Why are some people against the use of poisons to kill Northern Pike?
    E. Fishermen will be poisoned too.
    F. The poisons are expensive.
    G. They think that wells will be polluted.
    H. The lake will become unsafe.

  • [单选题]Cirque du Soleil officials said their top concern was______.
  • A. regulations against job discrimination
    B. the safety of other performers and the audiences
    C. doing the right thing
    D. making a lot of money

  • [单选题]根据以下选项,回答 85~86 题:
  • A. 6小时
    B. 12小时
    C. 36小时
    D. 2周
    E. 1~2周
    F. 第 85 题 腹内手术者前多长时间禁食 ( )

  • [单选题]请将正确答案填在第29处。
  • A. and
    B. with
    C. helped
    D. followed

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/pdxyd4.html
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