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  • 【名词&注释】

    兴趣爱好(interests and hobbies)、综合国力(comprehensive national power)、重要内容(important content)、乙状结肠(sigmoid)、克服困难(tide over difficulty)、党的十五大(the 15 th congress of the party)、有中国特色的社会主义文化(the socialist culture with the chinese ...)、肠系膜下动脉(inferior mesenteric artery)、横结肠(transverse colon)、逃避者(escapee)

  • [单选题]党的十五大指出,有中国特色的社会主义文化(the socialist culture with the chinese ),是综合国力的(  )

  • A. 重要内容
    B. 重要标志
    C. 重要基础
    D. 重要支持

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  • [单选题]第 30 题 意志行动的基础是(  )
  • A. 兴趣爱好
    B. 随意运动
    C. 克服困难
    D. 意志自由

  • [单选题]梁启超《论毅力》的中心论点是
  • A. 有毅力者成,反是者败
    B. 非至强之人,未有能善于其终者也
    C. 顺逆两境又常相间以迭乘
    D. 其阻力虽或大或小,而要之必无可逃避者(escapee)

  • [单选题]What is unresolved about this play is ____.
  • A. who is responsible for the tragedy
    B. whether Romeo and Juliet are tragic characters
    C. what the most fascinating element of the play is
    D. how tragic fate can be avoided

  • [单选题]There are many inconveniences that have to be_________ when you are camping.
  • A. put up with
    B. put down to
    C. put off
    D. put away

  • [单选题]全部由肠系膜下动脉(inferior mesenteric artery)供血的器官是 ( )
  • A. 空肠和回肠
    B. 升结肠和横结肠(transverse colon)
    C. 阑尾和盲肠
    D. 降结肠和乙状结肠
    E. 直肠和肛管

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