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    法律效力、发展过程、无产阶级(proletariat)、反帝反封建、马克思主义认识论(marxism epistemology)、国家强制力、循环往复、正确理解(correct understanding)、工农联盟、本质上的区别

  • [单选题]下列哪项不是尖端扭转型室性心动过速心电图的特点?A发作时QRS波群的振幅与波峰呈周期性改变

  • A. 是室性并行心律的一个特殊类型
    B. 频率一般为200—250次/分
    C. QT间期通常延长
    D. 常并发高U波

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  • [单选题]下列诸项表述中,正确的是()。
  • A. 为人们的行为提供模式、标准或方向,这一特性指的是法的统一性
    B. 法是调整人们行为的规范和法是调整社会关系的规范,这两种说法没有本质上的区别
    C. 非规范性法律文件虽然没有规范性,但有法律效力,因而也属于法律的范畴
    D. 国家强制力是保证法的实施的唯一力量

  • [单选题]大椎,曲池及十宜都可以治疗的病证是
  • A. 神志病
    B. 脏腑病
    C. 胸腹病
    D. 热病

  • [单选题]Passage 5 When I decided to quit my full time employment it never occurred to me that I might become a part of a new international trend. A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming “I wanted to spend more time with my family".
  • Curiously, some twoandahalf years and two novels later, my experiment in what the Americans term “downshifting" has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality. I have been transformed from a passionate advocate of the philosophy of “have it all", preached by Linda Kelsey for the past seven years in the pages of She magazine, into a woman who is happy to settle for a bit of everything. I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her muchpublicized resignation from the editorship of She after a buildup of stress, that abandoning the doctrine of “juggling your life", and making the alternative move into “downshifting” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status. Nothing could persuade me to return to the kind of life Kelsey used to advocate and I once enjoyed: 12-hour working days, pressured deadlines, the fearful strain of office politics and the limitations of being a parent on “quality time”. In America, the move away from juggling to a simpler, less materialistic lifestyle. is a-well-established trend. Downshifting — also known in America as “voluntary simplicity” — has, ironically, even bred a new area of what might betermed anti-consumerism. There are a number of bestselling downshifting self help books for people who want to simplify their lives; there are newsletters, such as The Tightwad Gazette, that give hundreds of thousands of Americans usefultips on anything from recycling their clingfilm to making their own soap; there are even support groups for those who want to achieve the mid'90s equivalent of dropping out. For the women of my generation who were urged to keep juggling through the '80s, downshifting in the mid'90s is not so much a search for the mythical good life — growing your own organic vegetables, and risking turning into one — as a personal recognition of your limitations. 第67题:Which of the following is true according to paragraph 1?

  • A. Fulltime employment is a new international trend.
    B. The writer was compelled by circumstances to leave her job.
    C. “A lateral move" means stepping out of fulltime employment.
    D. The writer was only too eager to spend more time with her family.

  • [单选题]
  • A. makingB. standing
    B. planning
    C. taking

  • [单选题]新民主主义国家的国体是
  • A. 无产阶级领导的以工农联盟为基础。包括小资产阶级、民族资产阶级和其他反帝反封建的人们在内的各革命阶级的联合专政
    B. 实行民主集中制的人民代表大会制度
    C. 建立新民主主义的共和国
    D. 实行人民民主专政

  • [多选题]“实践、认识、再实践、再认识,这种形式,循环往复以至无穷,而实践和认识的每一循环的内容,都比较地进到高一级的程度,这就是辩证唯物论的全部认识论”。这个论断揭示了
  • A. 认识对实践的依赖关系
    B. 认识是一个辩证的无限发展过程
    C. 主观和客观、理论和实践的具体的历史的统一
    D. 马克思主义认识论是能动的革命的反映论

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