文章内容(contents of articles)
[单选题]以下各组加点词意思不同的一项是( )。(3分)
A. 便舍船 太丘舍去
B. 欲穷其林 子子孙孙无穷匮也
C. 有良田美池桑竹之属 忠之属也
D. 问今是何世 斯是陋室
[单选题]I (11) Lisa’s good friend. We (12) running stars. We (13) three meals to-gether every day. (14) breakfast, I like tw0 (15)and a glass of milk, and she (16) two hamburgers and two glasses of milk. For (17) , she (18)a bowl of rice and some chicken , and I (19) two bowls of rice, a plate of salad and some fish. For dinner, we have the same (同样的) (20) .( )11.
A. is
B. am
C. are
D. do
[单选题]25. Americans have ._________at dinner.
A. milk, tea and coffee
B. milk, coffee and wine
C. coffee, tea and wine
D. hamburgers and sandwiches
[单选题]23. You want to buy a sweater and a T-shirt. How much will you have to pay?
A. 51 yuan
B. 21 yuan
C. 56 yuan
D. 65 yuan