

来源: 布丁学网    发布:2022-08-24     [手机版]    
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1. [多选题]What are two characteristics of "store and forward" switching? (Select two answer choices)

A. Latency fluctuates regardless of frame. size.
B. The switch receives the complete frame. before beginning to forward it.
C. Latency through the switch varies with frame. length.
D. The switch checks the destination address upon receipt of headers.

2. [单选题]The Ezonexam network administrator has issued the "VTP password ezonexam" command on a Cisco device. What is the purpose of this command?

A. It allows two VTP servers to exists in the same domain, each configured with different passwords
B. It is the password required when promoting a switch from VTP client mode to VTP server mode
C. It is used to access the VTP server to make changes to the VTP configuration
D. It is used to validate the sources of VTP advertisements sent between switches
E. None of the above

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