陈独秀(chen du)、近代中国(modern china)、康有为(kang you-wei)、陈天华、华兴会(hoaxing society)、资产阶级革命(bourgeois revolution)、第一个(first)、光复会、同盟会(chinese revolutionary league)、兴中会(revive china society)
A. c(SO42-)/c(C032-) B. c(SO42-)/c(C032-)>Kθsp(CaSO4)/Kθsp (CaC03)
C. c(SO42-)/c(C032-)>Kθsp(CaC03)/Kθsp (CaSO4)
D. c(SO42-)/c(C032-)< Kθsp(CaC03)/Kθsp (CaSO4)
[单选题]When mentioning “the $4 million to $10 million range” (Lines 3-4, Paragraph 3) the author is talking about.
A. gold market.
B. real estate.
C. stock exchange.
D. venture investment.
A. 邹容
B. 陈独秀
C. 陈天华
D. 章炳麟
[单选题]如果劳动是唯一的可变生产要素,我们经常可以发现在生产过程中劳动的收益递减,这意味着 ( )
A. 随劳动的增加,产量减少
B. 随劳动的增加,劳动的边际产量减少
C. 随劳动的减少,产量增加
D. 随劳动的增加,劳动的边际产量增
[单选题]We learn from the last paragraph that in the near future
A. the garment industry will reconsider the uniform. size.
B. the design of military uniforms will remain unchanged.
C. genetic testing will be employed in selecting sportsmen.
D. the existing data of human height will still be applicable.
A. 兴中会(revive china society)
B. 光复会
C. 同盟会(chinese revolutionary league)
D. 华兴会