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    系统软件(system software)、社会事务(social affairs)、依法治国(rule by law)、实际效果(actual effect)、脑力劳动者(worker)、国家公职人员、因特网(Internet)((internet))、有关规定(related regulations)、机器语言(machine language)、物质生产部门(material productive department)

  • [多选题]道德的社会作用是指道德功能的发挥和实现所产生的社会影响及其实际效果,其主要表现在( )

  • A. 道德能够影响经济基础的形成、巩固和发展
    B. 道德能够保护或者破坏一定阶级的政治统治
    C. 道德是决定社会生产力的发展的重要的物质力量
    D. 道德通过调整人们之间的关系维护社会生活的稳定

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]社会主义国民收入是由( )
  • A. 体力劳动者创造的
    B. 脑力劳动者创造的
    C. 社会全体劳动者创造的
    D. 物质生产部门(material productive department)劳动者创造的

  • [单选题]Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.
  • A. ①The long summer holidays are finally over and some parents are pleased. “We worry more about their safety in the holidays,” explains one mother from North London. If teenagers are not wandering around on public transport in a big and potentially dangerous city, they are chatting to strangers in an internet chat room! Well, that’s an extreme picture of the UK today, but many parents are worried about how much freedom they can give their children during the holidays and at weekends.
    B. ②Weekends are not the only time to worry! Newspaper are full of stories about too many school kids going to school by car because their parents do not want them to travel alone on a bus or train. This summer there were more frightening stories of teenagers disappearing with questionable friends that they met on the net. All the Media stories help increase parents fears, but is the UK really so dangerous?
    C. ③Many young people feel that life for their parents was easier. In the 1960s young people played in the streets more and traveled around town without their parents. “At least our parents can keep tabs on us(keep a tab/tabs on sth/sb$amp;>amp;$gt;keep account of , keep under observation),” says 16-year-old Julia. “So many people have mobile phones now and their parents ring to find out where they are. I use my mobile to get Dad to come to the station when I arrive late.” Mobiles are not just expensive toys; they help keep young people safe. Most significantly, they make parents feel better. Only one problem is, though, that some young people have been attacked by thieves who want to steal their mobile phones.
    D. ④Young people like going out with friends, but they now need to learn how to get home safely. Five million young people in the UK between the ages of 9 to 16 use chat rooms to make friends, but they, too, need to be careful and never give their personal details to a stranger. Young people today have more opportunities to meet new people and go out at night more than their parents ever did. Now school, television programs and newspapers must help teenagers to enjoy their freedom and to be responsible for their own safety.
    E. 31. Some parents are upset about the summer holidays mainly because their children ______.
    F. wander around on bus in the city
    G. chat to strangers in Internet chat rooms
    H. make questionable friends on the net
    I. are taken little care of by teachers

  • [单选题]依法治国的主体是( )。
  • A. 党领导下的人民群众
    B. 国家公职人员
    C. 国家事务
    D. 社会事务

  • [单选题]按TCP/TP的有关规定(related regulations),因特网(Internet)((internet))的域名长度
  • A. 不能超过32个字符
    B. 不能超过64个字符
    C. 不能超过128个字符
    D. 不能超过255个字符

  • [单选题]以下不是由维新派创建的学会的是
  • A. 强学会
    B. 兴复会
    C. 南学会
    D. 保国会

  • [单选题]不需要系统软件中语言处理程序进行处理的是
  • A. 机器语言(machine language)
    B. 汇编语言
    C. 解释语言
    D. 高级语言

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