
The Ezonexam network administrator wants to ensure that only

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    路由器(router)、交换机(switch)、配置文件(configuration file)、物理层(physical layer)

  • [多选题]The Ezonexam network administrator wants to ensure that only a single web server can connect to pot Fa0/1 on a catalyst switch. The server is plugged into the switch's Fast Eth. 0/1 port and the network administrator is about to bring the server online. What can the administrator do to ensure that only the MAC address of this server is allowed by switch port Fa0/1? (Choose two)

  • A. Configure port Fa0/1 to accept connections only from the static IP address of the server
    B. Configure the MAC address of the server as a static entry associated with port Fa0/1
    C. Employ a proprietary connector type on Fa0/1 that is incomputable with other host connectors
    D. Configure port security on Fa0/1 to reject traffic with a source MAC address other than that of the server
    E. Bind the IP address of the server to its MAC address on the switch to prevent other hosts from spoofing the server IP address

  • 查看答案&解析查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]路由器上“水平分割”的功能是:()
  • A. 分离端口
    B. 阻止路由环路
    C. 简化配置
    D. 方便故障处理

  • [单选题]要把交换机的配置文件保存到tftp服务器,应使用的命令为()
  • A. copy ios tftp
    B. copy running-configt ftp
    C. copy flash tftp
    D. copy config tftp

  • [单选题]路由器“全局模式”的提示符为()
  • A. >
    C. (config)
    D. (config-router)

  • [单选题]OSI七层模型中,物理层(physical layer)的数据封装名称为()
  • A. 比特
    B. 帧
    C. 包
    D. 段

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/rognx3.html
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