环境温度(ambient temperature)、疲劳强度(fatigue strength)、发动机、工作条件(working condition)、救生艇(boat)、轮机长(chief engineer)、轮机员(engineer)、最低温度(minimum temperature)、机动船(motor vessel)、原动机(prime mover)
[单选题]只要环境温度在启动发动机所规定的最低温度(minimum temperature)以上,所有救生艇和救助艇的发动机应进行正车和倒车运转,总时间不少于______。
A. 3min
B. 5min
C. 8min
D. 10min
A. 10°~20°
B. 20°~30°
C. 30°~40°
D. 40°~50°
[单选题]机器运转中的工作条件对零件的( )有很大影响。
A. 强度
B. 韧性
C. 疲劳强度
D. 寿命
[单选题]在船员职责分工中,二管轮应负责维护管理的设备有______。Ⅰ、发电原动机(prime mover);Ⅱ、空调装置;Ⅲ、污油柜;Ⅳ、副锅炉;Ⅴ、轮机长指定的设备;Ⅵ、堵漏设备。
A. Ⅰ+Ⅲ
B. Ⅰ+Ⅴ
C. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ
D. Ⅰ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ
A. 值班轮机员(engineer)/轮机长
B. 值班轮机员(engineer)/大管轮
C. 主管轮机员(engineer)/轮机长
D. 主管轮机员(engineer)/大管轮
[单选题]A ______is the documentary attestation for the delivery of stores and spare parts.
A. engine logbook
B. delivery docket
C. store booklet
D. maintenance book
[单选题]Which information is not given in the text?
A. Ship recycling contributes to sustainable development
B. The IMO believes that making an international instrument to regulate the ship recycling process is urgently in need
C. An international convention on ship recycling has been adopted
D. The IMO has taken action to develop an effective solution to the problem of ship recycling
[单选题]构成交叉局面的条件是________①互见中;②两船交叉相遇;③致有构成碰撞危险;④两艘同为机动船(motor vessel);⑤一船位于另一船的左舷半个罗经点到112.5度范围内。
A. ①-⑤
B. ①-④
C. ①②④
D. ②-④