路由器(router)、物理层(physical layer)、一对一(one to one)、第二层(the second layer)、数据链路层(data link layer)
A. show access-list
B. show interface e0
C. show ipinterface e0
D. show e0
A. 静态NAT转换在缺省情况下24小时后超时
B. 静态NAT转换从地址池中分配
C. 静态NAT将内部地址一对一静态映射到内部全局地址
D. CISCO路由器缺省使用了静态NAT
A. 比特
B. 包
C. 帧
D. 段
A. 物理层
B. 数据链路层(data link layer)
C. 网络层
D. 传输层
A. 分离端口
B. 阻止路由环路
C. 简化配置
D. 方便故障处理
[单选题]On the topic of VLSM, which one of the following statements best describes the concept of the route aggregation?
A. Deleting unusable addresses through the creation of many subnets.
B. Combining routes to multiple networks into one supernet.
C. Reclaiming unused space by means of changing the subnet size.
D. Calculating the available host addresses in the AS.
E. None of the above
[多选题]The Ezonexam network administrator needs to determine what LAN devices to install on the Ezonexam network. What are two advantages of using Layer 2 Ethernet switches over hubs? (Choose two)
A. Allowing simultaneous frame. transmissions
B. Increasing the size of broadcast domains
C. Increasing the maximum length of UTP cabling between devices
D. Filtering frames based on MAC addresses
E. Decreasing the number of collision domains