数据仓库(data warehouse)、销售策略(sales strategy)、法律保护、开发工具(development tool)、扁平化组织(flat organization)、外观设计专利权(design patent)、薄利多销(small profit and quick return)、实用新型专利(utility model patent)、企业决策者(enterprise policymaker)、各种类型(various type)
A. 加大宣传新品种水果广告的力度。
B. 给出科学证据,证明这种新品种水果对人体可能的危害并不比同类水果大。
C. 采取“薄利多销(small profit and quick return)”的低销售策略。
D. 已经在市场销售的其他转基因的水果并没有给人直接的危害。
[单选题]● 下面关于知识管理的叙述中,正确的包括(34)①扁平化组织结构设计有利于知识在组织内部的交流
A. ②实用新型专利(utility model patent)权、外观设计专利权的期限为 20年
B. ③按照一定方式建立显性知识索引库,可以方便组织内部知识分享
C. ④对知识产权的保护,要求同一智力成果在所有缔约国(或地区)内所获得的法律保护是一致的
D. (34)
E. ①③
F. ①③④
G. ②③④
H. ②④
[多选题]试题(71)~(75)The software architecture is a set of software components, subsystems, relationships, interactions, the properties of each of these elements, and the set of guiding principles that together constitute the fundamental properties and constraints of a software system or set of systems. (71) defines a general set of element types and their interactions. The examples include Pipes and Filters, Model-View-Controller, and Reflection. A (72) in software architecture is a representation used to understand or document one or more aspects of a problem or solution. Architecture is usually used in conjunction with many adjunct terms. The (73) defines the key strategies, organization, goals and related processes of the enterprise. At the enterprise level, the (74) may be more of a set of guidelines on how the various software architectures should be constructed consistently across the enterprise. The (75), which describes the high-level set of elements involved in application from a particular domain along with their interactions, is often used to focus on subsystem definition rather than application process level definition.
A. (71)
B. Architectural pattern
C. Architectural description
D. Architectural view
E. Architectural viewpoint
F. (72)
G. model
H. domain
I. component
J. subsystem
K. (73)
L. enterprise architecture
M. technical architecture
N. infrastructure architecture
O. business architecture
P. (74)
Q. enterprise architecture
R. data architecture
S. application architecture
T. information architecture
U. (75)
V. product-line architecture
W. reference architecture
X. technology architecture
Y. infrastructure architecture
A. 两个或者多个信息系统之间相互访问数据资源
B. 企业海量数据的存储和访问
C. 企业决策信息的挖掘和提取
D. 不同地域的企业信息系统之间进行实时的信息共享和数据通信
[单选题]不是MPEG-7 中定义的内容。
A. 采用XML 作为内容描述的可选语言
B. 3D 模型的描述标准
C. 多媒体对象中的目标识别与特征提取
D. MPEG-7 参考软件
A. 编码
B. 分解
C. 工作包
D. 结构设计