耐热性(heat resistance)、水位计(water level gauge)、救生艇(boat)、化合物(compounds)、玻璃管(glass tube)、轮机长(chief engineer)、轮机员(engineer)、水连通管
A. ①
B. ②③
C. ①②③
[单选题]If the diesel engine fuel injection timing is changed to delay the start of injection until the pistons are at top dead center, the engine will_________.
A. backfire through the air intakes
B. develop less power under load
C. have high firing pressures
D. lift its cylinder relief valves
A. 锅炉处于失水状态
B. 锅炉缺水但水位高于水连通管
C. 锅炉水位正常
D. 锅炉内汽压偏高
A. 10°~20°
B. 20°~30°
C. 30°~40°
D. 40°~50°
A. 轮机长(chief engineer)审核
B. 船长签署
C. 大管轮审批
D. A和B