

来源: 布丁学网    发布:2022-10-04     [手机版]    
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1. [多选题]CDP is being used throughout the Ezonexam network. What are two reasons why the Ezonexam network administrator would use CDP? (Choose two)

A. To determine the status of network services on a remote device
B. To obtain the IP Address of a connected device in order to telnet to the device
C. To verify the type of cable interconnecting two devices
D. To verify Layer 2 connectivity between two devices when Layer 3 fails
E. To obtain VLAN information from directly connected swticehs
F. F. To determine the status of the routing protocols between directly connected routers
G. G. To support automatic network failover during outages

2. [单选题]通配符掩码和子网掩码之间的关系是()。

A. 两者没有什么区别
B. 通配符掩码和子网掩码恰好相反
C. 一个是十进制的,另一个是十六进制(hexadecimal system)
D. 两者都是自动生成的

3. [单选题]默认情况下,RIP定期发送路由更新的时间是()

A. 15S
B. 30S
C. 60S
D. 90S

4. [单选题]路由器“特权模式”的提示符是:()

A. >
C. (config)
D. (config-if)

5. [单选题]What kind of cable should be used to establish a trunked line between two Catalyst switches?

A. A straight-through cable
B. An EIA/TIA-232 serial cable
C. An auxiliary cable
D. A modem cable
E. A cross-over cable

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