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  • 【名词&注释】

    有效性(effectiveness)、国家标准、系统安全管理(system safety management)、销售量(sales volume)、先决条件(precondition)、可管理性(manageability)、实质性(substantial)、各种因素(various factors)、不可能(impossible)

  • [单选题]对于整个信息系统安全管理而言,应该将重点放在__________,以提高整个信息安全系统的有效性与可管理性。

  • A. 安全责任规定
    B. 安全事件响应
    C. 安全事件检测
    D. 安全风险控制

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  • [多选题]● A glue that holds the whole Internet together is the network layer protocol,(71). Unlike most older network layer protocols, it was designed from the beginning with internetworking in mind. Its job is to provide a -(72) way to transport datagrams from source to destination, without regard to whether these machines are on the same network or whether there are other networks in between them.Communication in the Internet works as follows. The (73)layer takes data streams and breaks them up into datagrams. Each datagram is transmitted through the Internet, possibly being fragmented into smaller units as it goes. When all the pieces finally get to the destination machine, they are reassembled by the
  • A. (74) layer into the original datagram. This datagram is then handed to the transport layer, which inserts it into the receiving process' input stream.
    B. An IP datagram consists of a header part and a text part. The header has a (75) part and a variable length optional part.
    C. IP (Internet Protocol)
    D. IP (Interworking Protocol)
    E. TCP (Transport Control Protocol)
    F. TCP (Transfer Communication Protocol)
    G. best-quality
    H. quality-guaranteed
    I. connection-oriented
    J. best-efforts
    K. data link
    L. transport
    M. network
    N. application
    O. data link
    P. transport
    Q. network
    R. application
    S. 40-byte fixed
    T. 64-byte fixed
    U. 20~64 bytes variable
    V. 20-byte fixed

  • [单选题]某企业拥有多个应用系统,分别采用不同的语言和平台独立构建而成,企业需要集成来自不同系统的数据,并使用可定制格式的数据频繁地、立即地、可靠地、异步地传输数据。以下集成方式,最能满足这种要求的是(19)。
  • A. 文件共享
    B. 数据库共享
    C. 远程方法调用
    D. 消息机制

  • [单选题]W公司制作的正版音乐光盘每张售价25元,盈利10元。而这样的光盘的盗版制品每张仅售价5元。因此,这样的盗版光盘如果销售10万张,就会给W公司造成100万元的利润损失。为使上述论证成立,以下哪项是必须假设的?
  • A. 每个已购买各种盗版制品的人,若没有盗版制品可买,都仍会购买相应的正版制品。
    B. 如果没有盗版光盘,W公司的上述正版音乐光盘的销售量不会少于10万张。
    C. 上述盗版光盘的单价不可能(impossible)低于5元。
    D. 与上述正版光盘相比,盗版光盘的质量无实质性(substantial)的缺陷。

  • [多选题]下列标准代号中,______不是国家标准代号。
  • A. GSB
    B. GB/T
    C. GB/Z
    D. GA/T

  • [单选题]
  • B. 综合 C. 拓扑 D. 优化

  • A. 全序B. 综合
    B. 拓扑
    C. 优化

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