飞来峰(klippe)、王安石(wang an-shi)、《儒林外史》(the scholars)、《战国策》(the warring states stratagems)、吴敬梓(wu jin-zi)、物主代词(possessive pronouns)
[单选题]下列文学常识搭配有误的一项是( )
A. 《曹刿论战》——左丘明——《战国策》
B. 《使至塞上》——王维——唐朝
C. 《登飞来峰》——王安石——北宋
D. 《范进中举》——吴敬梓(wu jin-zi)——《儒林外史》
A. special
B. serious
C. similar
D. great
[单选题]( )
A. had wasted
B. waste
C. have wasted
D. will waste
[单选题]27. Which is the quickest and cheapest way to send messages to your friends?
A. By post
B. By e-mail
C. By telephone
D. By satellite
[单选题]2.It is________ eraser. It is ________eraser.
A. a ;my
B. an ;l
C. an ;my
D. a;/
A. walk
B. play
C. jump
D. run