形容词(adjective)、错别字(wrongly written characters)、绊脚石(stumbling block)、察言观色、忘年交(friendship between generations)
[单选题]下面各组词语中没有错别字的一组是( )(2分)
A. 桑梓 脉搏 忘年交(friendship between generations) 察言观色
B. 装潢 谙熟 黑黝黝 肺腹之言
C. 跌宕 家俱 绊脚石 心无旁鹜
D. 宽宥 殉私 闭门羹 鞭僻人里
A. 氧气和空气
B. 二氧化碳和氮气
C. 甲烷和空气
D. 一氧化碳和二氧化碳
[单选题]3. Is there any ________ news about your lost sister?
A. later
B. late
C. the latest
D. latest
A. communicate with
B. take part in
C. look at
D. worry about