自然科学(natural science)、冯小刚、执政党建设(ruling party construction)、逻辑推理(logical reasoning)、史密斯(smith)、三中全会、明确规定(clearly stipulated)、《一个都不能少》、中共七大(the seventh national congress)、抒情散文(lyric prose)
[单选题]《故都的秋》一文的体裁是 ( )
A. 游记散文
B. 叙事散文
C. 抒情散文(lyric prose)
D. 说理散文
[单选题]第 7 题 第一次明确规定(clearly stipulated)男女同校,废止读经,充实自然科学内容的学制是( )
A. 癸卯学制
B. 壬寅学制
C. 王子癸丑学制
D. 壬戌学制
[单选题]第 2 题 首次明确提出执政党建设问题的会议是( )
A. 中共六届七中全会
B. 中共七大(the seventh national congress)
C. 中共七届二中全会
D. 中共七届三中全会
[单选题]Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (15 points)Directions: Pick out the appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
A. I know he won't.
B. I will if I have time.
C. I didn't know he is iii.
D. I have seen it twice.
E. That's too early.
F. F. I didn't see it.
G. G. Easier said than done.
H. H. I don't think you have the chance.
I. 56. Joe: Do you think Mr. Smith will change his mind?
J. Pat: ______
[单选题]电影《一个都不能少》的导演是________。 ( )
A. 冯小刚
B. 冯小宁
C. 陈凯歌
D. 张艺谋