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  • 【名词&注释】

    普通话(putonghua)、现代汉语(modern chinese)、错别字(wrongly written characters)、敏而好学、北方方言(north dialect)、《观沧海》、标点符号使用、不耻下问、苏轼《水调歌头》、新闻晚报

  • [单选题]下列句子中,标点符号使用有误的一项是()

  • A. 和谐、和睦、和顺、和煦……“和”能构成一系列美好的词语。
    B. 2009年6月6日的《新闻晚报》上,有一篇介绍“国嘴”罗京的文章。
    C. 现代汉语的通用语——普通话是以北方方言为基础的。
    D. “过来。”他对我说:“这边看得清楚些。”

  • 查看答案&解析查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]Tom is a 12’yearold boy. His father sells meat and has a big shop in the city center.The shop is quite (11) and there are many customers every day, Tom usually helps his father in the shop on weekends. He does .(12) work, for example, cleaning the floor and (13) meat onto the shelf(架子).One Saturday afternoon when there (14) any meat left on the shelf.Tom's father (15) him to carry some more from another room. Tom ran to the room quickly and(16) the meat was on a high shelf. He couldn't reach it, because he was too (17 ). 'What could he do? Tom thought (18) a moment and then he had a good idea. He took two boxes and put one on the top of (19) . Then he (20) 0n them.At last, he got the meat down!
  • ( )11.

  • A. well
    B. busy
    C. quiet

  • [单选题]14.补出下列名句的上句或下句。(任意选做6题)(6分)                       (1)日月之行,若出其中; , 。(曹操《观沧海》)
  • A. (2)万里赴戎机, 。(北朝民歌《木兰诗》)
    B. (3) ,长河落日圆。(王维《使至塞上》)
    C. (4) ,江入大荒流。(李白《渡荆门送别》)
    D. (5)沉舟侧畔千帆过, 。(刘禹锡《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》)
    E. (6)但愿人长久, 。(苏轼《水调歌头》)
    F. (7) ,各领风骚数百年。(赵翼《论诗》)
    G. (8)子曰:“敏而好学, ,是以谓之‘文’也。”(《论语&8226;公冶长》)

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