植物群落(plant community)、发展阶段、港口城市(port city)、战略决策(strategic decision)、技术引进(technology introduction)、利用外资(utilizing foreign capital)、对外开放(opening to the outside world)、经济特区(special economic zone)、内环境(internal environment)、上海浦东新区
[单选题]中国植物群落分类的高级单位是( )
A. 群丛
B. 群丛组
C. 植被型
D. 群系组
[单选题]符合群落发育盛期特征的是( )
A. 建群种生长渐弱,更新能力下降
B. 群落内环境(internal environment)已变得不利于原物种生存
C. 种类数量不稳定
D. 群落结构已定型
[单选题]The survival of the civilization as we know is_________ threat.
A. within
B. under
C. toward
D. upon
[单选题]She regretted paying ______ for the camera.
A. twice as much
B. as twice much
C. much as twice
D. as much twice
[单选题]Passage FourMany people want to know how to analyze problems they meet. There are six stages in analyzing a problem.
A. First the person must recognize that there is a problem. For example, Sam's bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must see that there is a problem with his bicycle.
B. Next the thinker must define the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must find the reason why it does not work. For instance, he must determine if the problem is with the gears, the brakes, or the frame. He must make his problem more specific.
C. Now the person must look for information that will make the problem clearer and lead to possible solutions. For instance, suppose Sam decided that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the gear wheels. At this time, he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about gears. He can talk to his friends at the bike shop.
D. After studying the problem, the person should have several suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as an illustration. His suggestions might be: put oil on the gear wheels; buy new gear wheels and replace the old ones; tighten or loosen the gear wheels.
E. Eventually one suggestion seems to be the solution to the problem. Sometimes the final idea comes very suddenly because the thinker suddenly sees something new or sees something in a new way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees that there is a piece of chewing gum between the gear wheels. He immediately realizes the solution to his problem: he must clean the gear wheels.
F. Finally the solution is tested. Sam cleans the gear wheels and finds that afterwards his bicycle works
G. perfectly. In short, he has solved the problem.
H. 48. In analyzing a problem we should do all the following except ______.
I. recognize and define the problem
J. look for information to make the problem clearer
K. have suggestions for a possible solution
L. find a solution by trial or mistake
[单选题]人们常说:“教学有法,而无定法”这反映了教师劳动具有( )
A. 示范性
B. 创造性
C. 间接性
D. 主体性
[单选题]进入20世纪90年代,我国对外开放(opening to the outside world)发展到一个新阶段,其显著特点是( )
A. 技术引进从重视硬件发展到重视软件
B. 从兴办经济特区(special economic zone)发展到开放沿海港口城市
C. 从吸收利用外资发展到国际劳务合作与跨国经营
D. 多层次、宽领域、全方位开放的格局初步形成
[单选题]影响苹果果实着色的主要生态因子是( )
A. CO2
B. 养分
C. 水分
D. 光照
[单选题]女性导尿时,确认尿道口的正确参照部位是( )
A. 阴道口后方
B. 阴道口前方
C. 阴道后穹
D. 阴道前穹
E. 阴道侧穹