麦当劳(mcdonald)、中国市场(chinese market)、经营规模(scale of operation)、嵌入式系统开发(embedded system development)、调试器(debugger)、交叉编译器(cross compiler)、大幅度(greatly)、一部分(part)、可执行代码(executable code)、被调试程序
A. 今后几年中,中国消费者用于西式快餐的消费总额不会有大的变化。
B. 今后几年中,中国消费者用于除麦当劳、艾德熊以外的西式快餐(例如肯德基)上的消费总额不会有大的变化。
C. 今后几年中,艾德熊的经营规模要达到和麦当劳相当。
D. Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ。
E. 只有Ⅰ。
F. 只有Ⅱ。
G. 只有Ⅰ和Ⅱ。
[单选题]Developing reliable software on time and within(31)represents a difficult endeavor for many organizations.Usually business solutions have three main aspects:people,(32), and technology. The main reason for failing software projects has little to do with technology and tools, and much to do with lack of process(33). Experience has shown that introducing new technology and tools in an immature or undisciplined environment is likely to increase the chaos. CASE tools are not enough. "A fool with a tool is still a fool?"Structured method was the first wave of the software industry. This was the beginning of transforming software development from a"(34)industry' to mass production. Software process movement if the second wave in the software industry. The process maturity movement prepares the way for the third wave of the software industry: "software industrialization". Software development will become like an assembly and manufacturing process. A critical enabling factor is a disciplined software engineering process with predictable quality,(35)and functionality.
A. forecast
B. preparation
C. budget
D. economy
[单选题]以下关于嵌入式系统开发的叙述,正确的是( )。
A. 宿主机与目标机之间只需要建立逻辑连接
B. 宿主机与目标机之间只能采用串口通信方式
C. 在宿主机上必须采用交叉编译器来生成目标机的可执行代码(executable code)
D. 调试器与被调试程序必须安装在同一台机器上